The targets separate parts of their spirits (), and use them as weapons.
These attacks are referred to as target bullets.
If the player--the EXECUTOR--is struck by an target bullet, they lose a life.
If they run out of lives, they may be able to continue, or it may be game over.
Although there are ways to block or remove target bullets, the most effective defense is usually to avoid them entirely.

Below is a list of typical target bullets.
There are many more beyond those shown here.

Small sphere
A very basic type of bullet.
It is easily neutralized by the suppression radius.

Large sphere  
Similar to the smaller spheres, but takes longer to neutralize in the suppression radius.

Rotating ellipse
Disorganized and random, but can be destroyed by attacking.
Takes about as long as small spheres to neutralize.

Accelerates slowly after launching.
Takes a very long time to neutralize, and so is dangerous to take head-on.

Cannot be neutralized through suppression. Dodge badly and you may become trapped.

Slows down very little while inside the suppression radius.
Cannot be neutralized through suppression.

Does not slow down while inside the suppression radius.
Cannot be neutralized through suppression.
If it enters the EXECUTOR's spirit control range (very close surroundings), it will release a large number of spirits.

()   : Spirits
  A name given to colonies or groups of faint creatures.
Normally they proliferate in the air with little effect on their surroundings,
but if directed by a sentient being, they will become attached to that influence.
Thus, target bullets behave as allies to the PRAYERs

Beam weapons are streams of "spirits" in an excited state, moving
at a rate much slower than purely optical weaponry (though faster than gunfire).
However, they require catalysts, and so are extremely difficult to direct and control.
Certain PRAYERs may possess beam weapons capable of bending across the entire area.

Similiarly, things commonly referred to as auras are in fact concentrated spirits surrounding their controller.
The swarms of "spirits" about powerful beings resemble gaseous nebulae, and so among "spirit" users
older terms such as "starts" and "attraction" or "destiny" are used to refer to powerful beings or places
and disposition towards power, respectively.